Better Late Than Never!!!
Hmmm, well, it's been a good few days since I botheredx to update my journal, and I can justify that by the notion that I have been having far too much fun to sit down for half an hour or so and write it all down! Not that I don't have fun all the time, but well, I'll explain before I start digging myself into a hole!Well, Sunday night was tres amazing to be fair. Didn't do a huge amount, but significantly my lady and me have started the first series of 24 on boxset! We're a little bit slow on the 24 uptake so to speak, considering it's in it's 5th televised series now, and there are already 4 out on DVD. But that is a good thing as it means no waiting around between series, unlike Lost and The L Word which we possess both first series on DVD and are too eagerly awaiting the next ones! Anyhoo, anyone who hasn't seen 24... then get your arse out there and watch it! It is not something to be missed!
Anyway, that's where Sunday evening was spent, curled up in our bed es watching DVDs... which is one place we both love to be! We watched a couple of episodes then, all snuggled up and holding each other... it was pure and utter bliss. And then cuddled up to go to sleep, as Monday brings another week of work (I hate that bloody day)... or so I thought.
I have to confess, that this Monday just gone, was a monumental Monday. Perhaps the best Monday I can ever remember having in my entire life! It was amazing! Most Mondays are usually spent me either cleaning the house or doing washing, or job hunting and my lady reading or working and then departing for her lecture at 3pm. But this Monday was oh so different! Normally on a Monday, my lady is fully into 'work mode' and there is no distracting her no matter how much I try. So this Monday I figured just to get on with my thing, looking for a job as I'm shitting myself silly at the minute. Then, the next thing I know, I'm jumped upon by my lady, and we ended up having the most amazing sex ever! It was like unprecidented, amazing! Certainly not what I expected for a Monday afternoon! Then we topped that off by lying in bed and snuggling up to watch some more episodes of 24! After that, we had a nice leisurly lunch and my lady decided that she didn't need to attend her lecture for the day, so it was lovely to have a nice lunch in the comfort of our own home, without having to rush out anywhere afterwards. Then, with the rest of the afternoon ahead, we went back to bed and watched another episode of 24... and who said we weren't addicted?! And then, once again, one thing led to another, and we had another incredible love making session! Oh my god!!! It was out of this world! Can anyone think of a better way to spend a Monday afternoon? I doubt it! And if you can, then you really haven't lived!
After a bit of pottering about and emmense grinning from ear to ear, and soppy smiles from both of us, FT's reader came (the smelly weird freak one) to read some more of Northern Lights onto minidisk and I departed for the shower.
We spent the rest of the evening just having tea and pottering about the house doing our own thing, both of us still grinning from ear to ear and with gooey expressions on our faces... ahhh what it is to be blissfully happy and very much in love!
We eventually settled down to go to bed at the roughly usual hour... and yes, you guessed it, watched some more 24! Well, not before we had another incredible love making session!Oh my god!!! I have never been so fulfilled and satisfied in all my life! My girlfriend is the most amazing lover on the face of the planet! She's out of this world incredible, and I consider myself the luckiest woman on the planet that I get to share such raw love, passion and desire with her, and much more besides! I hope everyone can see how happy I am!
Yesterday was more of a working day, with my lady working, and me looking for a job! I did have some success there, as I've managed to find something to apply for which is moderately related to my degree! I am soooooo excited! Trouble is, these sort of positions in this area are few and far between, which probably means competition is high, and when you see one, you really want it! So I'm trying to be optimistic (which is hard enough for me anyway) without getting my hopes up too much! I hate not being successful with job appilcations etc. It goes beyond the fact that I need a job for money etc, but I don;t want to disappoint my lady... I want to make her proud of me! I'm working on this application and putting my complete and utter all into it... so fingers, toes , legs and arms crossed!
I wanna make my baby so proud of me, just like I am of her!
There was, of course, time to watch some more 24 in bed before sleep though, and whilst having lunch, so things are still amazingly relaxed and stuff.
We had a completely joint effort for tea last night, with my lady cooking lasagne and jacket potato for main course, and with myself following in the traditions of Shrove Tuesday, making pancakes for pudding. Mmmmm, it was lovely! And it's a national tradition, so fair play to void the diet for one meal! And we were supposed to be going out... I had visions of donning another skirt for the occasion, as I was feeling brave, and buoyed by the excellent reaction I had from my lady with the last one (bar the zip indescretion of course). But what with my enthused approach to the job application and the pancakes (mmm yummy), we ended up being later than anticipated, so decided to give going out a miss. And then my lady gets phone calls and text messages later in the evening to see where she was! Ever in demand my lady... I'm sure people think I kidnap her and hold her hostage... which isn't true at all! So then I think she was feeling a bit guilty for not making the effort to go. But I don't think either of us have regrets for staying in and doing our own thing. We're going out on Friday night to see some drama performance at the union... not sure I know what it's all about, but my lady wants to go, and it'll make her happy.I think FT was feeling a bit out of sorts about where the 'work' mode had ended up this week. And I feel like a right shit bag and an unwanted distraction. I know how she feels... I had it all throughout my final year. The difference being, I think she was a little more supportive and motivational than I'm managing to be. I'm so proud of her and how hard she works for her degree. And I admire how she manages to juggle work and social life, as well as voluntary commitments and exercise. She's just incredible and more diciplined and a better person than me, cos I never managed it! I can't help feeling like I'm too demanding, or that I make her life and course more difficult than it need be. I do try and help out and be as supportive as I can, which is half my problem as I don't know when to back off and leave her too it. I don't wanna be the nagging wife who is always on her case about things and interfering, but then I don't want her to make the mistakes I made. Not that I think she is! As I have said, I think she's been handling all her commitments amazingly! She's amazing, and I'm so so proud of her. She doesn't know how much!
I try to be supportive... like she is to me. But I think I'm crap at it! Still, if all I can do is hold her in my arms and make her feel safe and loved and wanted, then that's better than nothing right?Today has been really cool. Took my lady to her lectures, and sat in on one, with an over-enthusiastic big gay (and I can get away with saying that as an endearing term as I'm gay myself) man, who waffled on, and on, and on, and on some more (yawn) about Shakespeare for the 50 minutes of the lecture, and then (I'm reliably informed) carried on waffling for a further 30 minutes after we left! Thank goodness FT's Dad was coming for the day with the ever gorgeous, and sorely missed (why isn't he staying again) Beby Hound! Allowed us to escape with a good reason! It was lovely seeing Beby Hound again! I can't believe how much I missed him, even though he usually drops jiz on the floor as he has a prostate problem, bless him. I even drove 10 minutes away to Tesco last night just to get him some pigs ears (well they were cow's ears, but the same kinda thing)! I love how when he comes in, he says hello to FT and then runs in the flat looking for me. And then he sat on my lap on the sofa for a whole 30 minutes during an episode of 24. I think he kinda loves me. Which is the nicest thing... I feel like part of the family and accepted by my gfs dog. He's like he's my dog too, which is lovely! And I treat him as if he were my own! Awwww. I want him to stay! PC Pete, you're a meanie for not letting us puppy sit!
So, am just spending the rest of the evening chilling out, chatting to friends on MSN, nothing extravagant, but rewarding regardless!
Anyway, that's where Sunday evening was spent, curled up in our bed es watching DVDs... which is one place we both love to be! We watched a couple of episodes then, all snuggled up and holding each other... it was pure and utter bliss. And then cuddled up to go to sleep, as Monday brings another week of work (I hate that bloody day)... or so I thought.
I have to confess, that this Monday just gone, was a monumental Monday. Perhaps the best Monday I can ever remember having in my entire life! It was amazing! Most Mondays are usually spent me either cleaning the house or doing washing, or job hunting and my lady reading or working and then departing for her lecture at 3pm. But this Monday was oh so different! Normally on a Monday, my lady is fully into 'work mode' and there is no distracting her no matter how much I try. So this Monday I figured just to get on with my thing, looking for a job as I'm shitting myself silly at the minute. Then, the next thing I know, I'm jumped upon by my lady, and we ended up having the most amazing sex ever! It was like unprecidented, amazing! Certainly not what I expected for a Monday afternoon! Then we topped that off by lying in bed and snuggling up to watch some more episodes of 24! After that, we had a nice leisurly lunch and my lady decided that she didn't need to attend her lecture for the day, so it was lovely to have a nice lunch in the comfort of our own home, without having to rush out anywhere afterwards. Then, with the rest of the afternoon ahead, we went back to bed and watched another episode of 24... and who said we weren't addicted?! And then, once again, one thing led to another, and we had another incredible love making session! Oh my god!!! It was out of this world! Can anyone think of a better way to spend a Monday afternoon? I doubt it! And if you can, then you really haven't lived!
After a bit of pottering about and emmense grinning from ear to ear, and soppy smiles from both of us, FT's reader came (the smelly weird freak one) to read some more of Northern Lights onto minidisk and I departed for the shower.
We spent the rest of the evening just having tea and pottering about the house doing our own thing, both of us still grinning from ear to ear and with gooey expressions on our faces... ahhh what it is to be blissfully happy and very much in love!
We eventually settled down to go to bed at the roughly usual hour... and yes, you guessed it, watched some more 24! Well, not before we had another incredible love making session!Oh my god!!! I have never been so fulfilled and satisfied in all my life! My girlfriend is the most amazing lover on the face of the planet! She's out of this world incredible, and I consider myself the luckiest woman on the planet that I get to share such raw love, passion and desire with her, and much more besides! I hope everyone can see how happy I am!
Yesterday was more of a working day, with my lady working, and me looking for a job! I did have some success there, as I've managed to find something to apply for which is moderately related to my degree! I am soooooo excited! Trouble is, these sort of positions in this area are few and far between, which probably means competition is high, and when you see one, you really want it! So I'm trying to be optimistic (which is hard enough for me anyway) without getting my hopes up too much! I hate not being successful with job appilcations etc. It goes beyond the fact that I need a job for money etc, but I don;t want to disappoint my lady... I want to make her proud of me! I'm working on this application and putting my complete and utter all into it... so fingers, toes , legs and arms crossed!
I wanna make my baby so proud of me, just like I am of her!
There was, of course, time to watch some more 24 in bed before sleep though, and whilst having lunch, so things are still amazingly relaxed and stuff.
We had a completely joint effort for tea last night, with my lady cooking lasagne and jacket potato for main course, and with myself following in the traditions of Shrove Tuesday, making pancakes for pudding. Mmmmm, it was lovely! And it's a national tradition, so fair play to void the diet for one meal! And we were supposed to be going out... I had visions of donning another skirt for the occasion, as I was feeling brave, and buoyed by the excellent reaction I had from my lady with the last one (bar the zip indescretion of course). But what with my enthused approach to the job application and the pancakes (mmm yummy), we ended up being later than anticipated, so decided to give going out a miss. And then my lady gets phone calls and text messages later in the evening to see where she was! Ever in demand my lady... I'm sure people think I kidnap her and hold her hostage... which isn't true at all! So then I think she was feeling a bit guilty for not making the effort to go. But I don't think either of us have regrets for staying in and doing our own thing. We're going out on Friday night to see some drama performance at the union... not sure I know what it's all about, but my lady wants to go, and it'll make her happy.I think FT was feeling a bit out of sorts about where the 'work' mode had ended up this week. And I feel like a right shit bag and an unwanted distraction. I know how she feels... I had it all throughout my final year. The difference being, I think she was a little more supportive and motivational than I'm managing to be. I'm so proud of her and how hard she works for her degree. And I admire how she manages to juggle work and social life, as well as voluntary commitments and exercise. She's just incredible and more diciplined and a better person than me, cos I never managed it! I can't help feeling like I'm too demanding, or that I make her life and course more difficult than it need be. I do try and help out and be as supportive as I can, which is half my problem as I don't know when to back off and leave her too it. I don't wanna be the nagging wife who is always on her case about things and interfering, but then I don't want her to make the mistakes I made. Not that I think she is! As I have said, I think she's been handling all her commitments amazingly! She's amazing, and I'm so so proud of her. She doesn't know how much!
I try to be supportive... like she is to me. But I think I'm crap at it! Still, if all I can do is hold her in my arms and make her feel safe and loved and wanted, then that's better than nothing right?Today has been really cool. Took my lady to her lectures, and sat in on one, with an over-enthusiastic big gay (and I can get away with saying that as an endearing term as I'm gay myself) man, who waffled on, and on, and on, and on some more (yawn) about Shakespeare for the 50 minutes of the lecture, and then (I'm reliably informed) carried on waffling for a further 30 minutes after we left! Thank goodness FT's Dad was coming for the day with the ever gorgeous, and sorely missed (why isn't he staying again) Beby Hound! Allowed us to escape with a good reason! It was lovely seeing Beby Hound again! I can't believe how much I missed him, even though he usually drops jiz on the floor as he has a prostate problem, bless him. I even drove 10 minutes away to Tesco last night just to get him some pigs ears (well they were cow's ears, but the same kinda thing)! I love how when he comes in, he says hello to FT and then runs in the flat looking for me. And then he sat on my lap on the sofa for a whole 30 minutes during an episode of 24. I think he kinda loves me. Which is the nicest thing... I feel like part of the family and accepted by my gfs dog. He's like he's my dog too, which is lovely! And I treat him as if he were my own! Awwww. I want him to stay! PC Pete, you're a meanie for not letting us puppy sit!
So, am just spending the rest of the evening chilling out, chatting to friends on MSN, nothing extravagant, but rewarding regardless!
At 9:37 am,
Anonymous said…
Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.
At 1:39 pm,
Anonymous said…
Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.
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