Hmmm, it would appear I've been tagged! And there was me intending to not post in my journal for a few days, as, let's face it, it's not very interesting reading anyway! However, it seems that the only person other than myself to read my journal (my beloved), has tagged me... so just like with most things in my life, I can't resist a challenge... So here goes:
Four movies you would watch over and over:
Notting Hill (although haven't watched in a while, it's one of those all-time classics)
Elf (essential if you need cheering up!)
Top Gun (and I can't believe how old that film is now!)
Lord of the Rings... all three of them!
Four places you have lived:
London - for better or worse, the place I'm from
Sheffield - currently residing in my third place here, with my beloved lady! And by far the best place in the world!
Nowhere else so far... but am willing to go wherever life takes me to be with my beloved.
Four tv shows you love to watch:
CSI - any of the series, but the original is the best!!!
The L-word - what lesbian wouldn't?! It's essential! And the UK need to get their arses into gear and release series 2 on DVD!
Friends - Oh come one! An oldie but a definite goodie!
Lost - is that programme addictive or what?!
Four places you have been on vacation:
New Zealand - travelling a lot of south and north islands! That place is magical, and bliss... no language barrier, and yet, so full of culture!
Cyprus - THE best holiday of my life, as I got to spend it with my lady, who looked extremely sexy in the sun and a gorgeous bikini!
Holland - spent two 3-week periods there when I was 9/10, and it was like a second home to me... would love to go there again!
Boston/Vermont, America - spent 10 days attempting to ski on a school trip! Wish I had chance to explore more though!
Four websites you visit dailyMy journal - at least in the hope that someone has left a comment
My beloved's journal, which is far more amazing and popular than mine!http://www.quins.co.uk/default.ink - Harlequins Rugby League Website... I used to be a season ticket holder back in the day of the broncos, and miss it now I'm not residing in London! The thing I miss most behind my mittens.
Google as there is always something I want to look up!
Four of your favourite foods:
Chinese - foo yung, sweet and sour, chicken in cashew nuts... you name it!
Mmmmm... Kebab!!!! (not allowed on the diet though)!
Four places you would rather be right now:
In bed with my lady, snuggled up in her arms.
In a chinese restaurant having something NOT SPICY to eat!
In Australia.... I really wanna go!!!!
Anywhere... I don't care where it is as long as I'm with my lady!
Three bloggers you are tagging:
No one, I don't have any others to tag! Aren't I sad?!
And secondly:
Five weird things about youEverything about me is weird... so this is gonna be hard to define!
1. I have extremely weird bowel movements, and wouldn't know what 'regular' was if it jumped up and bit me on the arse.
2. I have to eat pears so under ripe that you can barely bite into them, any softer and they make me feel sick.
3. I love eating the skin of kiwi fruits... it's better than the insides!
4. Whenever I'm apart from my lady, I always kiss the ring and necklace she has given me before going to sleep, and always say 'goodnight' to her out loud.
5. I have to have my shoelaces tied to the exact same tightness, if they don't match in feeling in my left and right feet, then I have to re-tie one or both of them, and this process can take ages to get right!
Same as before really... I'm not tagging anyone, as I don't know who to tag. But if by any remote chance someone reads this and wants to answer, then feel free, and tag someone else... it's good to keep it going!!
Four movies you would watch over and over:
Notting Hill (although haven't watched in a while, it's one of those all-time classics)
Elf (essential if you need cheering up!)
Top Gun (and I can't believe how old that film is now!)
Lord of the Rings... all three of them!
Four places you have lived:
London - for better or worse, the place I'm from
Sheffield - currently residing in my third place here, with my beloved lady! And by far the best place in the world!
Nowhere else so far... but am willing to go wherever life takes me to be with my beloved.
Four tv shows you love to watch:
CSI - any of the series, but the original is the best!!!
The L-word - what lesbian wouldn't?! It's essential! And the UK need to get their arses into gear and release series 2 on DVD!
Friends - Oh come one! An oldie but a definite goodie!
Lost - is that programme addictive or what?!
Four places you have been on vacation:
New Zealand - travelling a lot of south and north islands! That place is magical, and bliss... no language barrier, and yet, so full of culture!
Cyprus - THE best holiday of my life, as I got to spend it with my lady, who looked extremely sexy in the sun and a gorgeous bikini!
Holland - spent two 3-week periods there when I was 9/10, and it was like a second home to me... would love to go there again!
Boston/Vermont, America - spent 10 days attempting to ski on a school trip! Wish I had chance to explore more though!
Four websites you visit dailyMy journal - at least in the hope that someone has left a comment
My beloved's journal, which is far more amazing and popular than mine!http://www.quins.co.uk/default.ink - Harlequins Rugby League Website... I used to be a season ticket holder back in the day of the broncos, and miss it now I'm not residing in London! The thing I miss most behind my mittens.
Google as there is always something I want to look up!
Four of your favourite foods:
Chinese - foo yung, sweet and sour, chicken in cashew nuts... you name it!
Mmmmm... Kebab!!!! (not allowed on the diet though)!
Four places you would rather be right now:
In bed with my lady, snuggled up in her arms.
In a chinese restaurant having something NOT SPICY to eat!
In Australia.... I really wanna go!!!!
Anywhere... I don't care where it is as long as I'm with my lady!
Three bloggers you are tagging:
No one, I don't have any others to tag! Aren't I sad?!
And secondly:
Five weird things about youEverything about me is weird... so this is gonna be hard to define!
1. I have extremely weird bowel movements, and wouldn't know what 'regular' was if it jumped up and bit me on the arse.
2. I have to eat pears so under ripe that you can barely bite into them, any softer and they make me feel sick.
3. I love eating the skin of kiwi fruits... it's better than the insides!
4. Whenever I'm apart from my lady, I always kiss the ring and necklace she has given me before going to sleep, and always say 'goodnight' to her out loud.
5. I have to have my shoelaces tied to the exact same tightness, if they don't match in feeling in my left and right feet, then I have to re-tie one or both of them, and this process can take ages to get right!
Same as before really... I'm not tagging anyone, as I don't know who to tag. But if by any remote chance someone reads this and wants to answer, then feel free, and tag someone else... it's good to keep it going!!
At 9:36 am,
Anonymous said…
Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
At 1:39 pm,
Anonymous said…
Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.
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