My Own Stupid Stupidity!
Hmmm, well, to be completely honest, I can't remember where I ended my last journal entry, so I'll just ramble on with my thoughts as they come... not that any are of any real interest anyway, but alas, it's my journal, so I'll do what I want with it!
Erm, we went out into town yesterday. Had to go shopping to buy a present for Kim for her 21str Birthday, and me and my lady decided we were gonna go fifty fifty and get her something nice for her 21st. We didn;t have as much difficulty finding something as I think we both thought we would. We ended up getting a really cool silver necklace, and a lickle silver clock shaped like a champagne bottle. So that was really cool... we were both pleased with our purchases! Aside from the birthday presents, I decided it was finally time to dig deep and buy a pair of hair straighteners. See the trouble with me is this. My hair is OK as far as hair goes... but I'm never particularly impressed with it at all to be honest. It's in desperate need of a cut! As I have this super thick hair which needs thinning out much more frequently than I have the inclination to do it! Also, when I say thinning out, what I really mean is chopping more off than the hair left on my head, just so it sits like a normal persons hair! Needless to say, I haven't had it cut for a while, and need to get it done desperately! So I'm making an appointment tomorrow! But I never think I look nice anyway, so not that it really matters! Secondly, my issue with the hair, is that I'm not the particularly overly femme type, and so putting a pair of straigtners in front of me is like .... 'what do I do with these then?!' I'm completely out of my depth! Needless to say, I didn't straighten my lady's hair until I was sure I wasn't going to burn it off completely! I'm not ready to die just yet!!!So then we departed to Kim's birthday meal at our favourite chinese restaurant. As usual, we were the last to turn up, and I was a little aprehensive... who wouldn't be, meeting your girlfriend's ex-girlfriend's friends... not exactly expecting to feel part of the crowd. It was a nice evening though. And I wasn't as much a social recluse as I thought I might be. The meal was cool, although I was extremely pissed off at my own stupidity, as in my infinate arsehole wisdom, I decided to have the chicken in cashew nuts in kung po sauce, which is like a chilli sauce. Why you ask? I've no fucking idea! I should of had just normal chicken in cashew nuts, as I soon discovered! As the kung po one was lovely... but just too fucking hot! What a knob I was!And with this poxy diet, fuck knows how long I'm gonna have to wait before I can justify going there again for a meal! I've learnt my lesson now though!Other than that, I've been begging my lady to let me read for her... and have managed to score a good few chapters of Harry Potter! So that makes me happy!On that note, I'm off to listen to a CD or two...
Erm, we went out into town yesterday. Had to go shopping to buy a present for Kim for her 21str Birthday, and me and my lady decided we were gonna go fifty fifty and get her something nice for her 21st. We didn;t have as much difficulty finding something as I think we both thought we would. We ended up getting a really cool silver necklace, and a lickle silver clock shaped like a champagne bottle. So that was really cool... we were both pleased with our purchases! Aside from the birthday presents, I decided it was finally time to dig deep and buy a pair of hair straighteners. See the trouble with me is this. My hair is OK as far as hair goes... but I'm never particularly impressed with it at all to be honest. It's in desperate need of a cut! As I have this super thick hair which needs thinning out much more frequently than I have the inclination to do it! Also, when I say thinning out, what I really mean is chopping more off than the hair left on my head, just so it sits like a normal persons hair! Needless to say, I haven't had it cut for a while, and need to get it done desperately! So I'm making an appointment tomorrow! But I never think I look nice anyway, so not that it really matters! Secondly, my issue with the hair, is that I'm not the particularly overly femme type, and so putting a pair of straigtners in front of me is like .... 'what do I do with these then?!' I'm completely out of my depth! Needless to say, I didn't straighten my lady's hair until I was sure I wasn't going to burn it off completely! I'm not ready to die just yet!!!So then we departed to Kim's birthday meal at our favourite chinese restaurant. As usual, we were the last to turn up, and I was a little aprehensive... who wouldn't be, meeting your girlfriend's ex-girlfriend's friends... not exactly expecting to feel part of the crowd. It was a nice evening though. And I wasn't as much a social recluse as I thought I might be. The meal was cool, although I was extremely pissed off at my own stupidity, as in my infinate arsehole wisdom, I decided to have the chicken in cashew nuts in kung po sauce, which is like a chilli sauce. Why you ask? I've no fucking idea! I should of had just normal chicken in cashew nuts, as I soon discovered! As the kung po one was lovely... but just too fucking hot! What a knob I was!And with this poxy diet, fuck knows how long I'm gonna have to wait before I can justify going there again for a meal! I've learnt my lesson now though!Other than that, I've been begging my lady to let me read for her... and have managed to score a good few chapters of Harry Potter! So that makes me happy!On that note, I'm off to listen to a CD or two...
At 1:39 pm,
Anonymous said…
Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
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