Smile... It's a Sunday! Shame It's Not Snowing Though!
Hooray! It's a Sunday! But I'm mortified the snow disappeared before I got to use it to it's full potential! The trouble is, the snow seemed to come down and settle in the space of an hour, and we didn't even know it was there! I'd been conned by my very lovely lady, into buying tickets to see some performace at the university drama studios. The play was called 'cleansed' by Sarah Kane I think, and if there is anyone out there who has seen it and can tell me what the hell happened, then please enlighten me! Bloody hell... it was so fragmented and a bit pathetic to tell the truth! It was like a collection of scenes full of sex, violence and drugs that were just there for effect and didn't seem to follow on from each other! It just seems the sort of play put on to evoke a controversial response rather than entertain. And to think it was sold to me as a play about a 'doctor who abuses his position'... There's me thinking it's going to be something like the Harold Shipman type scenario... well it wasn't like that! It wasn't like anything! No wonder the person who wrote it comitted suicide afterwards! So yeah, I wouldn't recommend it!
I'd of rather had a snowball fight with my lady!
We went to get some bread from the supermarket after the performance, with the car coevered in snow. I hasten to add my lady lobed a couple of snowballs at me when we first came out the flat earlier in the evening, so I thought I'd pay her back, using some of the snow on the car in Tesco carpark. Well I didn;t think, and I still to this second, can't believe my stupidity. In a moment of rash stupidness I scooped a load of snow of the roof of the car, and then chucked it at my lady, forgetting completely that she she wouldn't see it coming, and doesn;t have the blink reflex and close her eyes. So the snow hit her smack in the eye. I felt and still feel like a complete knob! I just didn't think! It didn't dawn on me that it was a stupid thing to do. I felt awful afterwards. The last thing I want to do is hurt my lady, so I was gutted that something I did as a jest that was meant to make her laugh and smile had her walking round Tesco in agony! I think she realised how upset and mad at my self I was about it all, cos she didn't shout at me. And to be honest, I'd have deserved it!
That's the thing. We've been together nearly 17 months now, and I can honestly lay my hand on my heart and say that it never ever dawns on me that my lady can't see. It's not an issue and never has been! And Friday night was no exception. You see, she's my lady, irrespective of whether she can see or not, or has 5 toes instead of 4, or whatever else. And I love her! More than anything in the world!
When we got home Friday night, my lady put herself to bed, to get some sleep as she had an all day training session on Saturday, so I spent time making her a 'pukka packed lunch' as I called it. I wanted her to have something nice to eat, and to know how much I love her! I made her heart shaped tuna rolls, diced some pineapple and mango which I know she loves. Put in a packet of her favourite crisps, and her favourite chocolates. And then brailled her a note to put on top, telling her how much I love her and how much I was thinking of her and missing her. Anyway, I think the lunch had the desired effect, as whilst I was in the middle of cleaning the flat (a pre-spring clean if ever there was one) my lady rang me to tell me how much she loves me. She completely made my day!
I picked her up in the afternoon and came home to cuddles and spending some time together, making love and just relaxing. My lady did some work while I ironed, and our friend SM came round for a chat and a drink for an hour or so, and then we retired to bed watching some more 24 before going to sleep! And having watched a further 2 episodes after we had a lie in this morning, leaves us with just 2 episodes to go before we finish the series! Ooooh it's getting good!
I'd of rather had a snowball fight with my lady!
We went to get some bread from the supermarket after the performance, with the car coevered in snow. I hasten to add my lady lobed a couple of snowballs at me when we first came out the flat earlier in the evening, so I thought I'd pay her back, using some of the snow on the car in Tesco carpark. Well I didn;t think, and I still to this second, can't believe my stupidity. In a moment of rash stupidness I scooped a load of snow of the roof of the car, and then chucked it at my lady, forgetting completely that she she wouldn't see it coming, and doesn;t have the blink reflex and close her eyes. So the snow hit her smack in the eye. I felt and still feel like a complete knob! I just didn't think! It didn't dawn on me that it was a stupid thing to do. I felt awful afterwards. The last thing I want to do is hurt my lady, so I was gutted that something I did as a jest that was meant to make her laugh and smile had her walking round Tesco in agony! I think she realised how upset and mad at my self I was about it all, cos she didn't shout at me. And to be honest, I'd have deserved it!
That's the thing. We've been together nearly 17 months now, and I can honestly lay my hand on my heart and say that it never ever dawns on me that my lady can't see. It's not an issue and never has been! And Friday night was no exception. You see, she's my lady, irrespective of whether she can see or not, or has 5 toes instead of 4, or whatever else. And I love her! More than anything in the world!
When we got home Friday night, my lady put herself to bed, to get some sleep as she had an all day training session on Saturday, so I spent time making her a 'pukka packed lunch' as I called it. I wanted her to have something nice to eat, and to know how much I love her! I made her heart shaped tuna rolls, diced some pineapple and mango which I know she loves. Put in a packet of her favourite crisps, and her favourite chocolates. And then brailled her a note to put on top, telling her how much I love her and how much I was thinking of her and missing her. Anyway, I think the lunch had the desired effect, as whilst I was in the middle of cleaning the flat (a pre-spring clean if ever there was one) my lady rang me to tell me how much she loves me. She completely made my day!
I picked her up in the afternoon and came home to cuddles and spending some time together, making love and just relaxing. My lady did some work while I ironed, and our friend SM came round for a chat and a drink for an hour or so, and then we retired to bed watching some more 24 before going to sleep! And having watched a further 2 episodes after we had a lie in this morning, leaves us with just 2 episodes to go before we finish the series! Ooooh it's getting good!
At 9:37 am,
Anonymous said…
Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.
At 1:39 pm,
Anonymous said…
Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.
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