What's This... A Journal Entry?! Nooooooo!
Wow... yes... it has been an age since I updated my journal!!! I can't believe it's quite been this long though! The days and weeks just seem to pass before me, and I sit blinking eyed at them as they pass, enjoying all the things I do manage to find the time for, but feeling bitterly disappointed about all the things I don't!
And I have been suffering from a severe case of journal neglect! Reasons for that include a mixture of going out an working for a living... things like MSN and emails and so forth have also been neglected to a certain extent, as when I'm working at schools I'm usually up about 6am, and then when I come home am either spending some damn good quality time with my beloved ;) (there is nothing in the world better), or staring aimlessly at the TV not taking anything in and yawning immensely! So the laptop and the rest of the world gets neglected when I'm in the world of work!
In all seriousness though, work at the minute is coming in sporadic, in fits and starts to say the least. To be honest, I'd pretty much given up all hope with it, and was seriously in the process of looking for a permanent science-related job in a bid to properly provide for my lady and accumulate lots and lots of money to buy a certain ring for a certain finger, and start saving some cash for a deposit on a house. To be fair, I'm feeling a lot of unease at the minute. Not like a feel a need to be married and have kids and have a house of our own, more just worried about having enough cash and readies to do it all! I love the life we have now, and I wouldn't change it for the world. But I would like to be able to accumulate enough cash now to enable us to live all our dreams in the future! I just hate feeling like I can't provide for my lady to the extent to which I would like just yet! Don't mind my frustrated rant... I'll continue with the rest of the news in my post... anyway, so I was about to throw in the towel with the teaching assistant agency work, as it just wasn't providing enough work. Then I got a phone call out of the blue, to help out with a few Young Enterprise programmes, so I said yes, of course! What the hell, it was some work, and money isn't a bad thing! So I went along to a training morning for it, thinking I was going to be doing usual teaching assistant work... when it wasn't until I got there that I found out that I'd actually be TEACHING the projects!!! So after a couple of hours training on a 'Learn to Earn' project, where you teach kids about budgeting and how staying in education can yield them better jobs and more money in the long run, I was off, with a box of kit, booklets and games and all sorts, and the weekend to prepare for a couple of all-day classes in the week! So I was completely nervous, and feeling completely out of my depth, in every way. But after the two days of teaching year 9s, I absolutely bloody loved it! I really think I've found my niche... not as a budget/business teacher, of course, but I can really see myself in a classroom teaching science to a bunch of kids. I feel for once within my depths, completely comfortable, and in the deep end like that, with leading a class or a project like that, I feel so much more comfortable than supporting someone elses teaching, as you never quite know how to be of use, or how to be effective, whereas on your own like that, you find away... resiliance, it's a wonderful thing!
Anyway, that has been a blessing in disguise, as I've taught another programme for them, just this week at a different school with year 10s, and that seemed to go really well. And I am seriously looking into completing a form for a PGCE for next year! I was originally going to wait for another year to decide if it's what I really wanted to do, but I've got until 30th June to get an application in for this year, and seeing as I feel like for once I've found something I can really see myself doing, I thought what the hell, and I'm going to get an application in for this year! Go me!!!!
Other news to report, is that dolly now has his cast off! Yes, my cousin, young Chesney, the mong on crutches now has his cast off, and apart from a bit of walking like he's crapped his pants, he's fine and dandy now bless his cotton socks (of which he can now wear two, and has no excuse for dirty toes!) He's back at school now, and glad to be too I think, seeing as my mum was a tyrant for setting him work at home - which was for his own good! Ahhh, he'll forever be Dolly though, for his hopeless attempts at using his crutches for 6 weeks, and failed and fell over far too many times to count!
Also, my precious car is back and clean now (I had it washed after an egg and powder incident at the school yesterday - the little bastards... I only had it washed the week before!) and it's working like a perfect little angel! We missed it didn't we baby! No more dring around the the chav-mobile the Vauxhall Corsa hire car for me!
I seemed to have developed the 'change in temperature flu' again... which is a bugger and feels like someone is constantly tickling my throat and chest with a poxy feather! Arrrrgggghhhh!But there is more exciting news than that!
Firstly, my beloved. Extremely beautiful, wonderfully sexy, fantastically special and amazingly talented lady is having a part of a novel she's in the process of writing published in a university magazine!!!! Now I said when I read it that it was fucking amazing! And it seems the lovely folks of the magazine have agreed too! And they're publishing it! As it is... with no ammendments necessary! Let me tell you... we both jumped up and down and screamed when we found out! It is completely out of this world! Seriously, she's an amazing writer! And she's so creative and hard-working! I'm sooooooo proud beyond belief! I love you my precious baby... and well done! I can't wait to read it with her name up in lights!!!
Secondly, in terms of the news front, this past week, has been my lady's birthday, and we've had pretty much a week of celebrations! Just last weekend we had Baby G, Will with guide dog Yaron in tow staying at our place over night in aid of a special birthday meal with a collection of friends for my precious FT. There were 12 of us in total, and I was admittedly, in my element in organisation mode, trying my hardest to ensure the evening went smoothly and that my lady had a wonderful time! After buying a selection of munchies such as sausage rolls and crisps and potato rostis and a heaven-filled chocolate birthday cake for the occassion, with the flat prepared in wait for the collection of guests, cleaned and polished, and looking at its best, I deposited the cake at the restaurant, and was assured by the manager that he had a 'big candle' to put in the middle of it. So, I returned home to provide drinks and conversation for our guests when they arrived. And after about an hour and a half of the munchies and alcohol, we headed off for a lovely meal! For which, most of the group experimented with 'italian pancakes' of a variety of sorts, the major theme of which though was cheese, cheese and more cheese! I say this as though it's a bad thing, which is perhaps misleading, as it was an amazingly good meal. After the cake, and copious amount of water to revive our piping hot mouths came the cake. Now, the manager didn't lie when he said he had a candle... candle my arse... it was more like a weapon of mass distruction! It made a bloody sparkler look tame! After sitting there frightened of moving, and then nearly taking Jason's head off with the flame, FT eventually extinguised the fire amid great chuckles and applause from everyone, and it left the divine cake to be devoured, which everyone seemed to enjoy and have a good time! From the meal, we said goodbye as a couple of guests departed... whilst a good few people returned for more in the way of beveridges and good conversation. In my little element as one of the hostesses, I opened bottles of wine on demand, and a good time was had by all! Even the dog!
We retired to bed getting on for 2am, and had much needed cuddles, and fell asleep in each others arms! Ahhhh, that's the life!
The next day we awoke in each others arms, and had some incredible, highly intense, mad passionate sex, quietly of course so as not to disturb our guests, and remained entwined in each others arms for a good while until it seemed that everyone was awaking, and we got up and spent the morning chatting and munching on the left over munchies from the night before, and before we knew it, it was time for Will, Yaron and Baby G to depart and head back to London.On Monday, I had another training session for a Young Enterprise programme, and I left my lady in bed, awaiting the arrival of her Mum for the day, with Her Auntie Margaret and Uncles John and Keith in tow. From my training session, I popped into the local bakers to buy some yummy chocolate eclairs for everyone, as I thought it would be nice, seeing as everyone missed out on the lushness that was the divine chocolate cake, would be a good alternative! From there I popped into the florest next door to pick my lady up a red rose to put a beautiful smile on her face. So I returned home to spend the day with my future in-laws, and my lady. All in all, it turned out to be a really nice day! We all went for a cazrvery, in two cars, and I learned the art of having someone follow you in their car. It is seemingly impossible as usually when I drive, I try my hardest to avoid cars driving up my arse, but I soon wished my lady's mum had taken that aproach rather than have me somewhat crawling down a 40mph at 30mph, in a bid to prevent the rest of Sheffield pulling out between us and her getting lost and mad at me for driving like a loon! All was well though, and no one got lost, and everyone seemed to arrive both the the pub and home again in one piece! After a lovely meal, and lots of fun and laughter and the irrepressible Uncle Keith's jokes and infinite information about random songs of yester year the day was gone and everyone was on their way home again leaving us in eager anticipation of FT's actual birthday!
Next thing I remember, I was being woken up (not too early, thankfully) but my beautiful, highly excited lady the next morning, awaiting the opening of her presents! And after a cup of tea, we spent a glorious age lying in bed, opening cards and presents, with the phone going every 5 minutes (most of which was FT's mum asking what she was doing at that point in time!). What a collection of presents she ended up with! From every piece of travel equipment under the sun courtesy of her parents, to DVDs and chocolate, and pampering stuff, to lego from young Chesney (hahahaha) and audiobooks from my parents, which I was instructed to go out and find some she'd like but hadn't read. Now, knowing which authors my lady likes, it sets me a challenge, as there are like a limited number of thier books that FT hasn't actually read, so I prepared myself to have completely fucked up and have to take her to change them for others, and be in the parental dog house because of it... anyway, full credit to me, as I managed to pick ones she hadn't read, so I got credit on two parts, from FT herself and my parents! Go me! Go me!!! I on the other hand, opted for the pampering aproach, treating my lady to a day for two at a health spa, a proper pamper day with two treatments each, and a DVD of Destiny's Child (which I brailled for her and she read through the wrapping paper - spoil sport!) And I finally managed to track down her cushion... "Caution! I'm High Maintenance!!!" I was chuffed, and it is positioned pride of place on the end of her side of the bed! FT also acquired two tickets to see Pink in concert in December from Baby G, which is probably her favourite present of all. Only cos she gets the opportunity to perve to the max! Hence my regular 'pink-bashing'... there's something to be said about admitting to liking a certain artist when your girlfriend sits there openly with her tongue out, and you know if it was a toss up between a night of passion with you, or a night of passion with Pink you'd lose hands down. Well, let's just say my Pink CD that I used to listen to is sitting on the rack at my folks house in London, and hasn't been listened to since. I'm a woman of principle me... will cut my nose off to spite my face to prove a point!
Anyway, after the presents came a full cooked breakfast by me, with orange juice and tea, and then hours upon hours or intense, passionate, sensual love making in bed! It must have been approaching late afternoon 4pm ish before we staggered out of bed, trembling and tingling and completely numb, to share a romantic shower and get dressed, before going out for a lovely Indian buffet at a restaurant which we've been a long time in trying... and the food was gorgeous! Completely stuffed to bursting, we returned to our lovely home, to crawl into bed and snuggle completely in each others arms, and watch a DVD, with sensual amazing passionate intense kisses. We eventually ended the day after the film went off, by snuggling in bed, with immense deep conversation about anything and everything, completely absorbed in each other!It was truly an amazing day! FT said nothing except what an amazing day it was, and how it was an incredible weekend and how she'd really enjoyed it. Yet, the most amazing bit for me, was the look of complete joy and excitement on her face the whole time. Throughout everything, from the Friday night to the Tuesday night, that gorgeous, beautiful amazing smile didn't leave her face, and that was it for me. I just feel so honoured and privelidged that I got to spend it with her!
The rest of this week, I've been recovering from this pesky cold type thing which I seem to have developed! It's left me feeling like crap to be fair, just bunged up and tickly chested. I'm more frustrated than anything! I hope it buggers off come tomorrow!Anyway, that's a basic recap of everything that's happened in my life of late! Sorry for neglecting you journal, and I will endeavour to be more caring and add some entries sooner rather than later!
Oh, and there was an incident of amusement for FT, when I (idiot that I am), in disposing of two bags of rubbish into our head-height outside bin, I managed to chuck in my car keys too! What a pleb! So I had FT standing there in fits of giggles holding the lid open, while I had to hoist myself up, and climb into the sodding bin (which had been emptied two days previous, so wasn't too full), to retrieve my precious car keys, and then climb out! I suppose I can see the funny side, but it wasn't a particularly pleasant experience! The only plus side to it, was that I managed to really impress FT by managing to hoist myself up there completely unaided without anything to climb on or with any help at all! So I thought I'd leave you with that story as a source of amusement! Never again to be repeated!
And I have been suffering from a severe case of journal neglect! Reasons for that include a mixture of going out an working for a living... things like MSN and emails and so forth have also been neglected to a certain extent, as when I'm working at schools I'm usually up about 6am, and then when I come home am either spending some damn good quality time with my beloved ;) (there is nothing in the world better), or staring aimlessly at the TV not taking anything in and yawning immensely! So the laptop and the rest of the world gets neglected when I'm in the world of work!
In all seriousness though, work at the minute is coming in sporadic, in fits and starts to say the least. To be honest, I'd pretty much given up all hope with it, and was seriously in the process of looking for a permanent science-related job in a bid to properly provide for my lady and accumulate lots and lots of money to buy a certain ring for a certain finger, and start saving some cash for a deposit on a house. To be fair, I'm feeling a lot of unease at the minute. Not like a feel a need to be married and have kids and have a house of our own, more just worried about having enough cash and readies to do it all! I love the life we have now, and I wouldn't change it for the world. But I would like to be able to accumulate enough cash now to enable us to live all our dreams in the future! I just hate feeling like I can't provide for my lady to the extent to which I would like just yet! Don't mind my frustrated rant... I'll continue with the rest of the news in my post... anyway, so I was about to throw in the towel with the teaching assistant agency work, as it just wasn't providing enough work. Then I got a phone call out of the blue, to help out with a few Young Enterprise programmes, so I said yes, of course! What the hell, it was some work, and money isn't a bad thing! So I went along to a training morning for it, thinking I was going to be doing usual teaching assistant work... when it wasn't until I got there that I found out that I'd actually be TEACHING the projects!!! So after a couple of hours training on a 'Learn to Earn' project, where you teach kids about budgeting and how staying in education can yield them better jobs and more money in the long run, I was off, with a box of kit, booklets and games and all sorts, and the weekend to prepare for a couple of all-day classes in the week! So I was completely nervous, and feeling completely out of my depth, in every way. But after the two days of teaching year 9s, I absolutely bloody loved it! I really think I've found my niche... not as a budget/business teacher, of course, but I can really see myself in a classroom teaching science to a bunch of kids. I feel for once within my depths, completely comfortable, and in the deep end like that, with leading a class or a project like that, I feel so much more comfortable than supporting someone elses teaching, as you never quite know how to be of use, or how to be effective, whereas on your own like that, you find away... resiliance, it's a wonderful thing!
Anyway, that has been a blessing in disguise, as I've taught another programme for them, just this week at a different school with year 10s, and that seemed to go really well. And I am seriously looking into completing a form for a PGCE for next year! I was originally going to wait for another year to decide if it's what I really wanted to do, but I've got until 30th June to get an application in for this year, and seeing as I feel like for once I've found something I can really see myself doing, I thought what the hell, and I'm going to get an application in for this year! Go me!!!!
Other news to report, is that dolly now has his cast off! Yes, my cousin, young Chesney, the mong on crutches now has his cast off, and apart from a bit of walking like he's crapped his pants, he's fine and dandy now bless his cotton socks (of which he can now wear two, and has no excuse for dirty toes!) He's back at school now, and glad to be too I think, seeing as my mum was a tyrant for setting him work at home - which was for his own good! Ahhh, he'll forever be Dolly though, for his hopeless attempts at using his crutches for 6 weeks, and failed and fell over far too many times to count!
Also, my precious car is back and clean now (I had it washed after an egg and powder incident at the school yesterday - the little bastards... I only had it washed the week before!) and it's working like a perfect little angel! We missed it didn't we baby! No more dring around the the chav-mobile the Vauxhall Corsa hire car for me!
I seemed to have developed the 'change in temperature flu' again... which is a bugger and feels like someone is constantly tickling my throat and chest with a poxy feather! Arrrrgggghhhh!But there is more exciting news than that!
Firstly, my beloved. Extremely beautiful, wonderfully sexy, fantastically special and amazingly talented lady is having a part of a novel she's in the process of writing published in a university magazine!!!! Now I said when I read it that it was fucking amazing! And it seems the lovely folks of the magazine have agreed too! And they're publishing it! As it is... with no ammendments necessary! Let me tell you... we both jumped up and down and screamed when we found out! It is completely out of this world! Seriously, she's an amazing writer! And she's so creative and hard-working! I'm sooooooo proud beyond belief! I love you my precious baby... and well done! I can't wait to read it with her name up in lights!!!
Secondly, in terms of the news front, this past week, has been my lady's birthday, and we've had pretty much a week of celebrations! Just last weekend we had Baby G, Will with guide dog Yaron in tow staying at our place over night in aid of a special birthday meal with a collection of friends for my precious FT. There were 12 of us in total, and I was admittedly, in my element in organisation mode, trying my hardest to ensure the evening went smoothly and that my lady had a wonderful time! After buying a selection of munchies such as sausage rolls and crisps and potato rostis and a heaven-filled chocolate birthday cake for the occassion, with the flat prepared in wait for the collection of guests, cleaned and polished, and looking at its best, I deposited the cake at the restaurant, and was assured by the manager that he had a 'big candle' to put in the middle of it. So, I returned home to provide drinks and conversation for our guests when they arrived. And after about an hour and a half of the munchies and alcohol, we headed off for a lovely meal! For which, most of the group experimented with 'italian pancakes' of a variety of sorts, the major theme of which though was cheese, cheese and more cheese! I say this as though it's a bad thing, which is perhaps misleading, as it was an amazingly good meal. After the cake, and copious amount of water to revive our piping hot mouths came the cake. Now, the manager didn't lie when he said he had a candle... candle my arse... it was more like a weapon of mass distruction! It made a bloody sparkler look tame! After sitting there frightened of moving, and then nearly taking Jason's head off with the flame, FT eventually extinguised the fire amid great chuckles and applause from everyone, and it left the divine cake to be devoured, which everyone seemed to enjoy and have a good time! From the meal, we said goodbye as a couple of guests departed... whilst a good few people returned for more in the way of beveridges and good conversation. In my little element as one of the hostesses, I opened bottles of wine on demand, and a good time was had by all! Even the dog!
We retired to bed getting on for 2am, and had much needed cuddles, and fell asleep in each others arms! Ahhhh, that's the life!
The next day we awoke in each others arms, and had some incredible, highly intense, mad passionate sex, quietly of course so as not to disturb our guests, and remained entwined in each others arms for a good while until it seemed that everyone was awaking, and we got up and spent the morning chatting and munching on the left over munchies from the night before, and before we knew it, it was time for Will, Yaron and Baby G to depart and head back to London.On Monday, I had another training session for a Young Enterprise programme, and I left my lady in bed, awaiting the arrival of her Mum for the day, with Her Auntie Margaret and Uncles John and Keith in tow. From my training session, I popped into the local bakers to buy some yummy chocolate eclairs for everyone, as I thought it would be nice, seeing as everyone missed out on the lushness that was the divine chocolate cake, would be a good alternative! From there I popped into the florest next door to pick my lady up a red rose to put a beautiful smile on her face. So I returned home to spend the day with my future in-laws, and my lady. All in all, it turned out to be a really nice day! We all went for a cazrvery, in two cars, and I learned the art of having someone follow you in their car. It is seemingly impossible as usually when I drive, I try my hardest to avoid cars driving up my arse, but I soon wished my lady's mum had taken that aproach rather than have me somewhat crawling down a 40mph at 30mph, in a bid to prevent the rest of Sheffield pulling out between us and her getting lost and mad at me for driving like a loon! All was well though, and no one got lost, and everyone seemed to arrive both the the pub and home again in one piece! After a lovely meal, and lots of fun and laughter and the irrepressible Uncle Keith's jokes and infinite information about random songs of yester year the day was gone and everyone was on their way home again leaving us in eager anticipation of FT's actual birthday!
Next thing I remember, I was being woken up (not too early, thankfully) but my beautiful, highly excited lady the next morning, awaiting the opening of her presents! And after a cup of tea, we spent a glorious age lying in bed, opening cards and presents, with the phone going every 5 minutes (most of which was FT's mum asking what she was doing at that point in time!). What a collection of presents she ended up with! From every piece of travel equipment under the sun courtesy of her parents, to DVDs and chocolate, and pampering stuff, to lego from young Chesney (hahahaha) and audiobooks from my parents, which I was instructed to go out and find some she'd like but hadn't read. Now, knowing which authors my lady likes, it sets me a challenge, as there are like a limited number of thier books that FT hasn't actually read, so I prepared myself to have completely fucked up and have to take her to change them for others, and be in the parental dog house because of it... anyway, full credit to me, as I managed to pick ones she hadn't read, so I got credit on two parts, from FT herself and my parents! Go me! Go me!!! I on the other hand, opted for the pampering aproach, treating my lady to a day for two at a health spa, a proper pamper day with two treatments each, and a DVD of Destiny's Child (which I brailled for her and she read through the wrapping paper - spoil sport!) And I finally managed to track down her cushion... "Caution! I'm High Maintenance!!!" I was chuffed, and it is positioned pride of place on the end of her side of the bed! FT also acquired two tickets to see Pink in concert in December from Baby G, which is probably her favourite present of all. Only cos she gets the opportunity to perve to the max! Hence my regular 'pink-bashing'... there's something to be said about admitting to liking a certain artist when your girlfriend sits there openly with her tongue out, and you know if it was a toss up between a night of passion with you, or a night of passion with Pink you'd lose hands down. Well, let's just say my Pink CD that I used to listen to is sitting on the rack at my folks house in London, and hasn't been listened to since. I'm a woman of principle me... will cut my nose off to spite my face to prove a point!
Anyway, after the presents came a full cooked breakfast by me, with orange juice and tea, and then hours upon hours or intense, passionate, sensual love making in bed! It must have been approaching late afternoon 4pm ish before we staggered out of bed, trembling and tingling and completely numb, to share a romantic shower and get dressed, before going out for a lovely Indian buffet at a restaurant which we've been a long time in trying... and the food was gorgeous! Completely stuffed to bursting, we returned to our lovely home, to crawl into bed and snuggle completely in each others arms, and watch a DVD, with sensual amazing passionate intense kisses. We eventually ended the day after the film went off, by snuggling in bed, with immense deep conversation about anything and everything, completely absorbed in each other!It was truly an amazing day! FT said nothing except what an amazing day it was, and how it was an incredible weekend and how she'd really enjoyed it. Yet, the most amazing bit for me, was the look of complete joy and excitement on her face the whole time. Throughout everything, from the Friday night to the Tuesday night, that gorgeous, beautiful amazing smile didn't leave her face, and that was it for me. I just feel so honoured and privelidged that I got to spend it with her!
The rest of this week, I've been recovering from this pesky cold type thing which I seem to have developed! It's left me feeling like crap to be fair, just bunged up and tickly chested. I'm more frustrated than anything! I hope it buggers off come tomorrow!Anyway, that's a basic recap of everything that's happened in my life of late! Sorry for neglecting you journal, and I will endeavour to be more caring and add some entries sooner rather than later!
Oh, and there was an incident of amusement for FT, when I (idiot that I am), in disposing of two bags of rubbish into our head-height outside bin, I managed to chuck in my car keys too! What a pleb! So I had FT standing there in fits of giggles holding the lid open, while I had to hoist myself up, and climb into the sodding bin (which had been emptied two days previous, so wasn't too full), to retrieve my precious car keys, and then climb out! I suppose I can see the funny side, but it wasn't a particularly pleasant experience! The only plus side to it, was that I managed to really impress FT by managing to hoist myself up there completely unaided without anything to climb on or with any help at all! So I thought I'd leave you with that story as a source of amusement! Never again to be repeated!
At 9:37 am,
Anonymous said…
I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.
At 1:39 pm,
Anonymous said…
Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.
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