The Hopeless Romantic

This is my blog of the daily musings of my life. The details of my thoughts and feelings as a lesbian in Sheffield. With a mad and slightly weird family, but truly blessed having found my soulmate: FT. It's not always interesting, not always happy, but always honest and true! The fight for my dreams begins!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

2 Years!!! 2 Glorious Years!!!!!!

It's our 2 year anniversary today.
I can't put into words how I feel.
Hopefully I'm beaming with the emotions I'm feeling inside, and she knows how I feel.
I hope so.
We went away this weekend. A spur of the moment luxury weekend away at a hotel.
It was just what we needed. More than I can explain.
We both feel like that.
It was money well spent! I was out of this world.
I won't go into detail. I can't right now.

All I have is this:

Breathe Again

My heart stopped.
My senses numbed
I ceased feeling.
I might have stopped existing.
I don’t know.
I didn’t know anything then.

I don’t know where it started.
Where it all began.
I can’t even pinpoint how long for.
I just felt numb.
Like I wasn’t alive.

Last night was like magic.
Like someone lit the spark inside me again.
I don’t think I even realised until then
Just how not right things were.
I opened up.
Said things I’d kept deep inside.

I cried.
She cried.
And it was like we started looking from the same page again.
We held each other. Tight.
Like there was nothing in the world that mattered.
Caught in the moment, like the world might end there and then.
And we’d die happy and complete even if it did.

My heart beats again.
We share the same vision. Seeing life through the same rose tinted spectacles.
I feel happier, gladder, more joyous, more alive than I think I have done in a while.
Just to be with her, and for it all to be perfect again.
I’m alive.
We’re alive, now more so than ever.
Words can’t express the love that I feel.
So I won’t begin to try.

I breathe again!


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