The Morning After The Night Before...
Well, it's been a manic few days of lie ins and making the most of having some spare time of relaxation with my lady. We spent most of Friday morning in bed, fully making the most of having nothing to do but each other! It was a much needed form of therapy! And then in the afternoon began the long drawn out process of cleaning the flat after the stay of beby hound! Bless him, he's as sweet as anything, but he is getting on a bit in years (despite looking and acting like a lickle puppy), and he's a wee bit incontinent. Only it's not urine he's incontinent with, as his only outlet in life is his rug in his car cage! So concequently, he drips not niceness everywhere! So it makes for hard work cleaning that up when he's gone! The mop is seemingly useless for that purpose, and I have to resort to scrubbing the wooden floors with a cloth on my hands and knees! Which is very gross. I am lesbian for a reason!!!! So it makes me a little grouchy to have been up to my neck in doggie sperm! So needless to say, there was a long long shower after that, with lots of shower gel!
The evening was really cool though, as my lady and I picked her best friend, Baby G, up from the station, as she's come to stay with us for the weekend. And then it was a mad rush to try and get to the local theatre in time to catch the performance of 'Great Expectations' which we were booked into. That was cool, once we'd got there... although we did end up going to the wrong theatre to pick up the tickets, but fortunately the right one was only next door! The show was really cool. Although it probably would have helped tremendously if I'd read the book, as I was having great difficulty following what was going on! It was very amusing though, as FT and Baby G had audio headsets which described what was going on on the stage. That probably would have been useful for me too! But alas... those things ended up being great fun! FT was OK with hers, but Baby G kept having difficulty! I'm convinced she was fiddling with it as about half way through the first half, it kept making a very loud noise of radio static, rather than any audible sound, so FT quickly switched headsets! It got worse though, as the same thing happened at the begining of the second half, but this time the radio static noise was louder still! To which FT and myself were in fits of laughter, and making comments of 'mayday, mayday' to each other! To be fair though, we all enjoyed the performance, and it made a nice change to do something different!
Yesterday was a bit rushed and manic, as we all got up quite late and mooched around for a bit, creating a playlist for our party. Before going into town briefly, and heading off to the beauty parlour for FT to have an eyebrow wax and lash extentions. I must say, it was hassle getting there, as Sheffield doesn't name their roads, so how the hell you're supposed to know where you are is beyond me! But we got there in the end, and fortunately, not too late for the appointment. I was a bit dubious about the whole lash extention thing, as I just thought 'that'd not gonna make much of a difference'... how little did I know! Fuck me! Now my lady, if you've ever been fortunate enough to see her, is the most beautiful woman, and has THE most gorgeous eyes, well bloody hell... these lash extentions just framed that beauty even more, and I was completely blown away! They were worth every penny! She looked truly amazing! And that's before she'd even got ready for the party!
The party was a huge success really. I must confess, I was completely and utterly at my wits end with it prior to the event, and was getting very uptight and nervous and stressed about it. Me not being the most social of people in the world, I was just scared that there would be too many people there and I'd feel completely uncomfortable and like it was someone elses party not mine. However, as things turned out, just the right amount of people turned up, and they were great guests to be honest. Everyone was very social and good fun. And the drinks and merryness was great, and fun was had by all. People even seemed to be getting on with our old housemate S, who isn't the easiest of people to get on with! The wonders of not living with her anymore was doing wonders to the socialness! I made a real effort for the party. And it was hard, cos I had to be a host, but I surprised myself by thoroughly enjoying it! And it did go down well that everyone was saying how in love me and FT seemed! Which I thought was really nice! See, people didn't just come for drinks! So thank you to everyone who came and chatted to me! And I hope you enjoyed yourselves!There were even no great embarrassing moments, and sanity was spared. We had a cool chocolate fountain, which was a great hit throughout the party, and everyone commented! However, my poor drunken lady, who was a little worse for wear, took it upon herself to dip her nipple in the fountain at the end of the night! This wouldn't have been a problem, as I'd have liked nothing more than to lick it off for her, but I think it was going a bit too far in front of pervy men, of which there was one still present! So I escorted my drunken lady to the bedroom to put the nipple away before anyone noticed! And as such, embarassment was spared!
So my night ended carrying my drunken lady to bed and taking her clothes and jewellery off so she could go to sleep in comfort! It took me a while to drift off, as I lay there for a while checking she was still breathing and wasn't going to choke on her own vomit if she was unfortunate enough to be sick! I woke up about 9 this morning, when my lady got up to go to toilet, and we lay in bed chatting and I was telling her about the bits she couldn't remember from last night! And then we drifted off back to sleep again. Ahhhh, bliss....We eventually woke up about midday, and ended up, after the majority of hungoverness had passed, having mad passionate sex, as we couldn't keep our hands off each other any longer! I'd worn a satin corset top last night which my lady likes, so I think she appreciated that... or at least that's the impression she gave this morning ;).
We spent the rest of the day cleaning up, and getting showered and refreshed! I've felt a bit out of it today to be honest. Have had such a lovely couple of days, and I don't want to fuck it all up! Anyway, Baby G had to interview LB for part of her uni course, so LB and NO came round this evening, and I didn't handle it well to be honest. I'm a sensitive soul anyway, although I am trying to come to terms with my lack of positive attitude, it does still get me on occassion, and it did today. I was ok, right up until the point when LB started talking about FTs ex's and stuff. She just always seems to have such discussions when I'm present... and I do wonder if it isn't obvious to the world that I do find it a little uncomfortable? Surely it is? Well, I didn't know what to do to be honest, and FT, LB and Baby G all have history, so I felt a bit out on my own a bit, and completely freaked. So I decided to try and turn how I was feeling around to something positive, and at the same time give me some space from a conversation which was making upset. So I decided, that the best thing to do was to bite to bullet and tell my other best friend from home, who is also a devout christian, that I am gay, and madly in love with my lady! Only, I rang her phone a couple of times, and she didn't answer it, so I ended up leaving a message saying I was only ringing for a chat. So, that failed, I tried to ring out old housemate Dr T for a chat, and fill her in on the news about S and BGB! But she didn't answer either! So I was in our bedroom, a bit scared and completely uncomfortable to come out, so I decided to go for a drive and get some space!
I came back a while later for some dinner, and everyone was still here, watching child of our time on TV, which I had set to record when I went out, so couldn't sit and watch it half way through. So I went in the bedroom to listen to a counting crows CD Doofus lent me, and transferred my CDs to our old DVD rack, discovering I have too many to fit on it! So still feeling a little deflated, I came to update my livejournal!
I'm now off for a kiss from my lady, cos I'm feeling fragile and in need of a big long kiss! And then settle down and watch a DVD with her and Baby G!
G'night! -x-
The evening was really cool though, as my lady and I picked her best friend, Baby G, up from the station, as she's come to stay with us for the weekend. And then it was a mad rush to try and get to the local theatre in time to catch the performance of 'Great Expectations' which we were booked into. That was cool, once we'd got there... although we did end up going to the wrong theatre to pick up the tickets, but fortunately the right one was only next door! The show was really cool. Although it probably would have helped tremendously if I'd read the book, as I was having great difficulty following what was going on! It was very amusing though, as FT and Baby G had audio headsets which described what was going on on the stage. That probably would have been useful for me too! But alas... those things ended up being great fun! FT was OK with hers, but Baby G kept having difficulty! I'm convinced she was fiddling with it as about half way through the first half, it kept making a very loud noise of radio static, rather than any audible sound, so FT quickly switched headsets! It got worse though, as the same thing happened at the begining of the second half, but this time the radio static noise was louder still! To which FT and myself were in fits of laughter, and making comments of 'mayday, mayday' to each other! To be fair though, we all enjoyed the performance, and it made a nice change to do something different!
Yesterday was a bit rushed and manic, as we all got up quite late and mooched around for a bit, creating a playlist for our party. Before going into town briefly, and heading off to the beauty parlour for FT to have an eyebrow wax and lash extentions. I must say, it was hassle getting there, as Sheffield doesn't name their roads, so how the hell you're supposed to know where you are is beyond me! But we got there in the end, and fortunately, not too late for the appointment. I was a bit dubious about the whole lash extention thing, as I just thought 'that'd not gonna make much of a difference'... how little did I know! Fuck me! Now my lady, if you've ever been fortunate enough to see her, is the most beautiful woman, and has THE most gorgeous eyes, well bloody hell... these lash extentions just framed that beauty even more, and I was completely blown away! They were worth every penny! She looked truly amazing! And that's before she'd even got ready for the party!
The party was a huge success really. I must confess, I was completely and utterly at my wits end with it prior to the event, and was getting very uptight and nervous and stressed about it. Me not being the most social of people in the world, I was just scared that there would be too many people there and I'd feel completely uncomfortable and like it was someone elses party not mine. However, as things turned out, just the right amount of people turned up, and they were great guests to be honest. Everyone was very social and good fun. And the drinks and merryness was great, and fun was had by all. People even seemed to be getting on with our old housemate S, who isn't the easiest of people to get on with! The wonders of not living with her anymore was doing wonders to the socialness! I made a real effort for the party. And it was hard, cos I had to be a host, but I surprised myself by thoroughly enjoying it! And it did go down well that everyone was saying how in love me and FT seemed! Which I thought was really nice! See, people didn't just come for drinks! So thank you to everyone who came and chatted to me! And I hope you enjoyed yourselves!There were even no great embarrassing moments, and sanity was spared. We had a cool chocolate fountain, which was a great hit throughout the party, and everyone commented! However, my poor drunken lady, who was a little worse for wear, took it upon herself to dip her nipple in the fountain at the end of the night! This wouldn't have been a problem, as I'd have liked nothing more than to lick it off for her, but I think it was going a bit too far in front of pervy men, of which there was one still present! So I escorted my drunken lady to the bedroom to put the nipple away before anyone noticed! And as such, embarassment was spared!
So my night ended carrying my drunken lady to bed and taking her clothes and jewellery off so she could go to sleep in comfort! It took me a while to drift off, as I lay there for a while checking she was still breathing and wasn't going to choke on her own vomit if she was unfortunate enough to be sick! I woke up about 9 this morning, when my lady got up to go to toilet, and we lay in bed chatting and I was telling her about the bits she couldn't remember from last night! And then we drifted off back to sleep again. Ahhhh, bliss....We eventually woke up about midday, and ended up, after the majority of hungoverness had passed, having mad passionate sex, as we couldn't keep our hands off each other any longer! I'd worn a satin corset top last night which my lady likes, so I think she appreciated that... or at least that's the impression she gave this morning ;).
We spent the rest of the day cleaning up, and getting showered and refreshed! I've felt a bit out of it today to be honest. Have had such a lovely couple of days, and I don't want to fuck it all up! Anyway, Baby G had to interview LB for part of her uni course, so LB and NO came round this evening, and I didn't handle it well to be honest. I'm a sensitive soul anyway, although I am trying to come to terms with my lack of positive attitude, it does still get me on occassion, and it did today. I was ok, right up until the point when LB started talking about FTs ex's and stuff. She just always seems to have such discussions when I'm present... and I do wonder if it isn't obvious to the world that I do find it a little uncomfortable? Surely it is? Well, I didn't know what to do to be honest, and FT, LB and Baby G all have history, so I felt a bit out on my own a bit, and completely freaked. So I decided to try and turn how I was feeling around to something positive, and at the same time give me some space from a conversation which was making upset. So I decided, that the best thing to do was to bite to bullet and tell my other best friend from home, who is also a devout christian, that I am gay, and madly in love with my lady! Only, I rang her phone a couple of times, and she didn't answer it, so I ended up leaving a message saying I was only ringing for a chat. So, that failed, I tried to ring out old housemate Dr T for a chat, and fill her in on the news about S and BGB! But she didn't answer either! So I was in our bedroom, a bit scared and completely uncomfortable to come out, so I decided to go for a drive and get some space!
I came back a while later for some dinner, and everyone was still here, watching child of our time on TV, which I had set to record when I went out, so couldn't sit and watch it half way through. So I went in the bedroom to listen to a counting crows CD Doofus lent me, and transferred my CDs to our old DVD rack, discovering I have too many to fit on it! So still feeling a little deflated, I came to update my livejournal!
I'm now off for a kiss from my lady, cos I'm feeling fragile and in need of a big long kiss! And then settle down and watch a DVD with her and Baby G!
G'night! -x-
At 9:36 am,
Anonymous said…
What a great site, how do you build such a cool site, its excellent.
At 1:40 pm,
Anonymous said…
Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.
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