The Hopeless Romantic

This is my blog of the daily musings of my life. The details of my thoughts and feelings as a lesbian in Sheffield. With a mad and slightly weird family, but truly blessed having found my soulmate: FT. It's not always interesting, not always happy, but always honest and true! The fight for my dreams begins!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

The Morning After...

Well, I'm up and awake at a reasonable hour, while my lady is blissfully sleeping! The alarm went off at 8am, and after 40 minutes of snoozing it, I knew if I went back to sleep, I'd feel worse for it later!
Someone on the other hand, hardly stirred when the alarm went off, except to tell me that she couldn't keep her eyes open! I would be slightly frustrated, as we agreed to get up at a reasonable hour, was she not so damn adorable when asleep! I lay next to her for a while, just watching her sleep, and using all my restraint not to keep kissing her. When that got too much, I decided to get up and faff for a bit, knowing I'd be in bother for disturbing my sleeping beauty when she's so knackered.

I ended up picking up a moderately tipsy Kim and FT from the Lion's Lair (local gay pub, which is ace) last night after closing time. And I was informed that she's had two creamy chocolate cocktails, a Smirnoff ice and an Archer's Aqua. It's amazing she wasn't sick really, as the creamy cocktails are extremely sickly (and I've only ever had a sip of one). Thankfully there were no accidents though! She seemed to have a good night though, maybe this will cure the space thing for a while.
I on the other hand, am still pre-menstrual, and still feeling highly emotonal. Bugger and fuck!

My beautiful lady has now awoken, so I'm off to make her a cup of tea to cure any signs of a hangover she might have, as I want her fully functional so we can go shopping to Lakeside Village in Doncaster today - never been before so it should be an experience!
And later on, we're awaiting the arrival of FT's Dad, who is bringing the lovely Beby Hound to stay for a week or so! It'll be sooooooo cool to have him to stay again... it seems like forever ago he was last here!


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