What's in the word... immunity?!
I'm asking that question, because I just don't seem to have an immune system! I cannot begin to count how many times I have been ill in the past three months alone, let alone longer than that!
Yep, I am ill with another sodding cold again! And that is making for a very blunt and frank post... so read on at your peril!
I'm sick of feeling ill... that came on yesterday! I was feeling a little bit rough when I woke up, but thought it might be one of those things that gets better as the day progresses. That was true until it came to bedtime last night. I had to get up for work this morning, so needed a fairly early night. Then I was begining to wish I hadn't agreed to work, I was feeling like pants.
I wouldn't mind just being ill and having a cold, but I seem to have this sickness feeling with it too, whereby I feel sick most of the time, am producing loads of wind (bearing in mind I have an inability to burp without reaching), so I've been a little bit sick on and off since last night.
I was just off to the toilet last night, to bring up my dinner when FT was on her way to bed. At that point, so much for an early night, I was awake! I felt surprisingly better when I returned to bed, and I was lying there having cuddles with FT. The world seems so much better when I'm in her arms!
What happened next, I can't really explain. There is something about that woman, that even when I'm feeling rough or completely incapacitated, that I just can't keep my hands off of her! At any given opportunity, my hands are all over her... and last night was no exception! The connection we share is out of this world! I know it's probably a bit of a cliché, but what we share is really like something you see on the films! I never in a million years thought it was possible to feel or experience anything like this! There just aren't the words to describe it! And then you wonder why I can't keep my hands off of her!
After our incredible love making session, in the wee hours of this morning (so much for the early night) FT drifted off to sleep and was merrily snooring her head off whilst I was trying to send myself into the land of slumber.
And when I left for work this morning, she was still in the land of snooze!
Work itself today was OK, apart from the fact that I've felt like crap, and have felt sick all day! And I still do! My patience is at a low, because there is a million and one things I want to do, yet I feel compromised because I can't breathe properly, I feel sick, and my nose is red and sore! IT'S CRAP!!!!!
And I got stuck in 'rush hour' traffic on the way home from work, at sodding 3:30 in the afternoon because of the fucking England world cup match!!! I thought I was going to puke in my car! And I HATE how Sheffield is a bastard city for traffic! Sometimes it feels like this city can't cope with more than 10 cars on the road at any one time!
Oh, and the worst part? I have low self-esteem at the best of times, yet when I have a cold, I feel all disgusting and incredibly un-sexy, regardless of whether I'm horny or not!
It's crap, isn't it?!
Yep, I am ill with another sodding cold again! And that is making for a very blunt and frank post... so read on at your peril!
I'm sick of feeling ill... that came on yesterday! I was feeling a little bit rough when I woke up, but thought it might be one of those things that gets better as the day progresses. That was true until it came to bedtime last night. I had to get up for work this morning, so needed a fairly early night. Then I was begining to wish I hadn't agreed to work, I was feeling like pants.
I wouldn't mind just being ill and having a cold, but I seem to have this sickness feeling with it too, whereby I feel sick most of the time, am producing loads of wind (bearing in mind I have an inability to burp without reaching), so I've been a little bit sick on and off since last night.
I was just off to the toilet last night, to bring up my dinner when FT was on her way to bed. At that point, so much for an early night, I was awake! I felt surprisingly better when I returned to bed, and I was lying there having cuddles with FT. The world seems so much better when I'm in her arms!
What happened next, I can't really explain. There is something about that woman, that even when I'm feeling rough or completely incapacitated, that I just can't keep my hands off of her! At any given opportunity, my hands are all over her... and last night was no exception! The connection we share is out of this world! I know it's probably a bit of a cliché, but what we share is really like something you see on the films! I never in a million years thought it was possible to feel or experience anything like this! There just aren't the words to describe it! And then you wonder why I can't keep my hands off of her!
After our incredible love making session, in the wee hours of this morning (so much for the early night) FT drifted off to sleep and was merrily snooring her head off whilst I was trying to send myself into the land of slumber.
And when I left for work this morning, she was still in the land of snooze!
Work itself today was OK, apart from the fact that I've felt like crap, and have felt sick all day! And I still do! My patience is at a low, because there is a million and one things I want to do, yet I feel compromised because I can't breathe properly, I feel sick, and my nose is red and sore! IT'S CRAP!!!!!
And I got stuck in 'rush hour' traffic on the way home from work, at sodding 3:30 in the afternoon because of the fucking England world cup match!!! I thought I was going to puke in my car! And I HATE how Sheffield is a bastard city for traffic! Sometimes it feels like this city can't cope with more than 10 cars on the road at any one time!
Oh, and the worst part? I have low self-esteem at the best of times, yet when I have a cold, I feel all disgusting and incredibly un-sexy, regardless of whether I'm horny or not!
It's crap, isn't it?!
At 9:52 pm,
Lisa said…
Heavens, you haven't had a very nice 24 hours have you? Besides the lovely messing about in the wee small hours the rest of it pretty much stank lol
Sorry to hear that you're not feeling very well, hope whatever keeps grilling your system gives up soon. And I hope it doesn't decide to wind it's way through FT either!
Take care.
At 11:04 pm,
High Maintenance Femme said…
hey, you're sexy even with a cold, as tonight's antics have proved. I love you so so so so so much! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx And thanks for telling everyone I snore! Bitch! :P
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